Thursday, 6 January 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful, 1,2,3 - Join in! Week 1

So here is my first post in the new Friday series - Reasons to be Cheerful 1,2,3.  Sharing our gratitude and bringing lots of big smiles!

If this is the first time you have seen this link up and want to know more, then look here. It is open to all....

My reasons for being cheerful this week -

1. My car got pranged on Xmas eve while we were busy seeing Santa (funny reason to be cheerful I hear you say).  Well a lovely lady Ruth left me her number and a sorry note and she has already paid the garage to fix my car next week.  £500 of damage. Did you realise there were still beautiful honest people out there?  Thank you Ruth, you restore my faith in people.

2. See this picture?

That is Miss M in the first one helping Mummy put the washing away.  The second photo are the vests that Miss E and Miss M folded up for me.  I am so grateful to have such caring little girls who want to make Mummy's life easier and who join in with the chores.

3. My girls started school on Thursday and they ran into the classroom without a care in the world.  Praise the Lord that they want to be there and the transition into both nursery and school is an easy one for them.

and that is it, 3 simple reasons why I am grateful to be alive and grateful to be me!

Come on link up and tell me, what are your reasons? 

Or if you can not link up, as you are not a blogger then leave your reasons in the comments.  I promise that it will do your soul the world of good to think positive, even if life feels anything but positive at the time.

Feel free to grab the Reasons to be Cheerful button and pop it in your post but no pressure!

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy with a Heart

and if you want to tweet about your post use the hashtag  #Reasons2BCheerful

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