Saturday, 17 September 2011

Let's make Chris Proud! Will you join us? #HealthWorkers

Today I attended a conference for bloggers and vloggers at the Save the Children head office in London.  This was not just any blogging event.  Yes, I got to see some amazing people that I chat to on the Internet but more than that I was reminded of how I can help a cause which just seems too big, insurmountable even.

I am sure that by now you have seen there is a severe drought in East Africa. I learned today that 750,000 are about to die and that we (yes all of us) are letting them die.  Gosh, that does not sit comfortably does it? I hear you now 'Who me, no I don't want anyone to die'. I beg you, don't close the browser, keep reading. None of us want people to die but we have to challenge ourselves as to what we are willing to do about it.  Saving our fellow humans is the responsibility of us all and that is not just giving money.  Please do shy away and think 'I'm broke, I can't help'.  Yes you can, we all can.  That is the truly amazing thing and all it costs is a little time.

These people in the developing world all have names and families and things they love to do but what they do not have is enough presence over here, a big enough voice so they are heard. Lets all help to give these people a voice. Today I listened to Lucy, talking from South Sudan about how a lack of #healthworkers in so many countries means that people die needlessly. Save the Children are campaigning to change this.

 Dr Morou & DJ Amilou (Image Credit)
On Tuesday, a fellow blogger and friend Chris Mosler (@ChristineMosler) will attend the UN General Assembly in New York. She is going there with Liz Scarff on behalf of Save the Children to pressure David Cameron to play his full part in solving the health worker crisis.  There is a target of 60,000 signatures on the petition by Tuesday. At the moment that petition sits at 41,673 can we change that? Sure we can!

Let's pull together, people power and make Chris proud.  Lets do our damnedest to make sure she goes on Tuesday armed with 60,000 signatures.
  1. So first off - Let's all sign the petition, 30 seconds work and a step closer.

  2. Then the challenge set by @HelloItsGemma and I is that we want (need) to see 100 posts of 100 words linked up here by Tuesday. If 100 bloggers each write a post about this and encourage more signatures that could make a massive dent in the 20,000 signature shortfall that we sit with right now!

    Write your 100 words about a great health professional you have encountered in your life. Add a link to the petition and either link or add in some information from Save the Children about the #Healthworkers campaign

  3. Link to a number of other bloggers/ vloggers and ask them to do the same. 

  4. Tweet about this, facebook mention it, remark on google plus, talk to your Mum on the phone, whatever you can do to spread this to just a few more people, please do it.
So here is my list of people I want to pass this baton on to -

Maggy at RedTedArt
Emma at Mummy Mummy Mum
Sabina at Mummy Matters
Josie at Sleap is for the Weak
Nickie at Typecast
Emma at The Real SuperMum
Sally at Who's the Mummy
Rosie at Rosie Scribble
Ella at Notes from Home
Tim at Bringing Up Charlie
CJ at Crystal Jigsaw
Karin at Cafe Bebe

and YOU, don't be precious that I have not named you, this is too important and there were too many wonderful people I wanted to link to.

Link your post up here (or take the blog hop code and add it onto your own blog) as soon as you can, but by early Tuesday as the deadline.  Then we can let Chris and Liz see the support that has been going on here for the work they are doing at the hard end.

Thank you, each and every one of you.  Mich x

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